Uganda Humanist Schools Trust: Charity No 1128762

Katumba Humanist Primary progresses in the face of Covid

Juma Siriwayo, Director of Katumba Parents Humanist Primary School, has just sent the following encouraging report of work being undertaken by the school amidst disruptions caused by Covid and torrential rain flooding access roads. “It is with much pleasure and gratitude that I am happy to report that the funds that UHST and Humanist Aid …

Isaac Newton Old Boy brings pride and progress to his community

Samuel Ssebulime was born in 1996 into a poor family of subsistence farmers. They produce food for their own consumption and earn an irregular cash income from occasional food surpluses. With 8 children to support and despite their best efforts the family struggled to pay primary school fees. By the time Samuel reached Primary 6 …

Covid Update on the Mustard Seed Humanist Schools

Like all other schools in Uganda, Mustard Seed Humanist Primary and Secondary schools are enduring a 42-day closure, in an attempt by the Ugandan government to break transmission of the Delta-variant of Covid. The schools’ Director, Moses Kamya, has just sent this update on the Covid situation: “We are two weeks into the 42-day lockdown. …