Uganda Humanist Schools Trust: Charity No 1128762

Lightning dilemma

The equatorial heat of Uganda generates strong updrafts of air. Thunderstorms are a frequent occurrence, particularly around the equinoxes, when the sun passes over the equator. Having large water bodies, like Lake Victoria, and being high above sea level – the Ruwenzori mountains in the west rise to 15,000 feet – makes matters worse. Kampala …

Mustard Seed School regains its pre-Covid momentum

A report by Moses Kamya, Headteacher & Director of Mustard Seed Humanist Schools. Uganda schools reopened on 10th January, and we are now well through the first term. Things are going well. Children and staff are happy to be back. At first, students were slow to report back. Covid-19 cases were still prevalent in their communities. …