Early in the days of the Humanist Schools movement in Uganda, back in 2009, when there were only three schools, they formed a voluntary association, which they called Uganda Humanist Schools Association. With help from UHST, the association created a website and ran the first two conferences for teachers in Humanist Schools in Uganda and had a …
Posted: September 3, 2023 by Steve Hurd
Humanist schools’ Coalition
Early in the days of the Humanist Schools movement in Uganda, back in 2009, when there were only three schools, they formed a voluntary association, which they called Uganda Humanist Schools Association. With help from UHST, the association created a website and ran the first two conferences for teachers in Humanist Schools in Uganda and had a …
Posted: September 3, 2023 by Steve Hurd
Fostering a Humanist Ethos in Uganda Schools
The final day of the 3rd Humanist Schools’ Conference was devoted to developing a common understanding of Humanism and how to apply it in schools. Peter Kisirinya and I were joint facilitators for the session which included consideration of: There were reflective and amusing stories and anecdotes from Humanist school directors about how about how they …
Posted: August 31, 2023 by Steve Hurd
Improving student welfare & educational standards
Teachers were delighted and completely engaged with the content of the second day of the 3rd Humanist Schools Conference, whose broad theme is: ” Quality Education based on Reason, Compassion and Self-reliance”. The second day was devoted to achieving high standards of student welfare and of education. The welfare issue that this conference chose to …