We have just returned from a 3-week visit to Uganda, where we visited some of the growing band of Humanist Schools. Isaac Newton High School, near Masaka, is a beacon for high education and welfare standards in its District, where it is the 5th best performing school out of 35. Its visionary and energetic Director, …
Posted: July 29, 2019 by Steve Hurd
The Family of Humanist Schools in Uganda is Growing
We have just returned from a 3-week visit to Uganda, where we visited some of the growing band of Humanist Schools. Isaac Newton High School, near Masaka, is a beacon for high education and welfare standards in its District, where it is the 5th best performing school out of 35. Its visionary and energetic Director, …
Posted: May 2, 2019 by Steve Hurd
Isaac Newton: Climate Change & other Challenges
This is the latest report from Peter Kisirinya, the Director of Isaac Newton High School: Isaac Newton High School has reached the end of term one of 2019. It is satisfying to reflect on the progress we have made in developing the school and improving the education and welfare of our students, which are both …
Posted: December 16, 2018 by Steve Hurd
Uganda Humanist Schools Trust’s infrastructure appeal reaches the half-way point
UHST is delighted to announce that our 10th Anniversary Building Appeal has brought in donations from our supporters of £75,300. This takes us half-way towards our goal of raising £150,000 to complete the major infrastructure of the two Uganda high schools we support. During 2018, contributions from UHST supporters have made a huge difference to …