Climate emergency hits schools

Isaac Newton High School is the latest of the Humanist schools in Uganda to be hit by storm damage. Torrential rains leaked into several buildings. Wind blew the roof off a girls’ toilet block and damaged the fabric of the building. The ferocity of recent storms across East Africa is unprecedented and provides further potent evidence of climate change. Floods and landslides in Kenya hit the world news headlines, but similar events in Uganda have gone unnoticed internationally.

The costs are mounting. Mustard Seed Secondary School lost the roof of a girls’ dormitory in a hurricane-like storm. At Kanungu Primary School the main toilet block was destroyed.

So far Uganda Humanist Schools Trust has been able to help thanks to money generously donated by our supporters. However, with donations reduced since Covid, funds to improve education and welfare have had to be diverted to ameliorating the effects of climate change. The whole world needs to wake up to the climate emergency which is already upon us.