There is widespread disappointment that the Ugandan Humanist School Directors had their application for entry visas into the UK turned down by the Home Office, and that they were only offered an appeal interview in Kampala the day after they were due to fly to the UK.
The expenses of the trip for all three would have been substantially covered by a grant to the BHA from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. This would have allowed the Directors to participate in the World Humanist Congress in Oxford at little personal cost. Unfortunately their visa applications fell foul of the new stricter immigration regime implemented by the Home Office over the past two years. This requires applicants to provide documentary evidence of strong economic and family ties in the source country, Uganda, such that there is a high probability that they will want to return there.
The BHA and IHEU transferred funds for flights and visa expenses more than 6 to 8 weeks before Peter, Moses and Robert had to fly to the UK for the World Humanist Congress. However, given the relatively slow pace of visa reviews, it proved too short to allow both for an initial failed application and the completion of a full appeal process.
Each of them furnished bank statements to show the extent of their income and savings. Unfortunately, a current account balance of £7 and no savings accounts did not convince the visa authorities that they had strong economic reasons to stay in Uganda. The schools are essentially in the the rural subsistence sector of the economy. Staff are paid on a casual basis and none earn enough to be included in the national social security system, so they could not furnish formal pay slips as evidence of earnings. People living and working in the subsistence sector of a developing country are clearly not expected to travel to another country, even if a first-world organisation is paying their expenses!?
Although all three have stable partnerships with families, they had local community ceremonies, not recognised by the state. As a result they could not provide documentary evidence, marriage certificates, of their family status.
The following extract from the Home Office letter reveals all:
The Decision
- You have declared that you are employed as a teacher, that you have a fiancée and two children and that the purpose of your visit is to attend the World Humanist Congress.
- Your personal bank statement shows a balance of £7. You have given no evidence of family ties in Uganda and there is no evidence of how your income could support a family. You appear to have no savings or other assets.
- The letter from the British Humanist Association says your visit is part financed by the FCO. But there is no evidence that you are personally being sponsored.
- I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry for a limited period.
UHST Trustees submitted appeals with the support of the local Conservative MP for mid-Staffordshire and the Liberal MP for Cambridge. The BHA also made high level representations to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and, in truth, the FCO did all it could do to accelerate the visa review process. In the end, however, everyone’s efforts came to nought and three very disappointed school Directors remain in Uganda. They have each had to make made 3 or 4 trips to Kampala, round trips of between 6 and 20 hours, at considerable personal cost in money, time and anxiety.
If we were able to raise funds for them to come at a later date it is difficult to see how we could satisfy the Home Office that the guys are absolutely genuine. If any of you have advice on what Peter, Moses and Robert should do to be successful the next time then it would be very much welcomed.
For now it remains for me to apologise to those of you who had planned to come to our proposed “Meet the School Directors Meeting” in Crewe on Wednesday 13th August, which we have had to cancel.
Posted: August 12, 2014 by Steve Hurd
Use of witchcraft to undermine the Humanist school at Mbute
We have just received this disturbing report from Peter Kisirinya, the Director of the Isaac Newton Schools, on the latest attempt to use witch craft to undermine the Humanist School at Mbute:
Four students attending school at Mbute, who come from families with links to the proposed new school, faked possession by spirits and claimed that there were evil spirits in the school which were aiming to kill two students and three teachers.
Information was sent to local press that the spirits had burnt down school buildings, because the managing director of the school had opposed their claims publicly and humiliated them in front of the school community. They informed the newspaper that our school, being a humanist school, did not believe in the existence of spirits. Consequently the spirits were annoyed to the extent of burning the school down.
However, local reporters called Peter Kisirinya, the School’s Director, and came to the school to interview him and the school bursar. They were surprised and reassured to find absolutely nothing related to the story they had been given. There had been no fire and they could see that the school was operating normally. As we are concerned for the safety of the staff and students, we have now officially reported the matter to police and the Ministry of Education and Sports.
The clear purpose of the rumours and actions was to instil fear in students and parents so that they transfer their children to the new school at the beginning of the new year. It was also intended to persuade our teachers abandon the school under fear of witchcraft killing some of them.
In order to allay fears in the local community, I am holding a series of meetings with all local stakeholders, parents and community leaders. I have allayed their fears in open meetings (see photograph of parents in school above) and they have been in to the school to see that it is operating normally and that the staff and students are happy and working purposefully. I am staying at the school, day and night, to demonstrate to students and parents that they need have no fear of spirits and the super-natural. I have opened up my daily S4 and S3 science practical lessons so that parents can come along and be reassured that their children are receiving a high standard of teaching.
We have also strengthened staffing at the school by offering part-time, temporary contracts to four of the brightest A-level students from INHS Masaka, who are now going to be teaching at Mbute before they go off to university. Two will be studying education to train as teachers and two have been given government scholarships to study diplomas in Agriculture and Secondary education.”
Posted: August 10, 2014 by Steve Hurd
Home Office denies visas to Ugandan Humanist School Directors
The expenses of the trip for all three would have been substantially covered by a grant to the BHA from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. This would have allowed the Directors to participate in the World Humanist Congress in Oxford at little personal cost. Unfortunately their visa applications fell foul of the new stricter immigration regime implemented by the Home Office over the past two years. This requires applicants to provide documentary evidence of strong economic and family ties in the source country, Uganda, such that there is a high probability that they will want to return there.
The BHA and IHEU transferred funds for flights and visa expenses more than 6 to 8 weeks before Peter, Moses and Robert had to fly to the UK for the World Humanist Congress. However, given the relatively slow pace of visa reviews, it proved too short to allow both for an initial failed application and the completion of a full appeal process.
Each of them furnished bank statements to show the extent of their income and savings. Unfortunately, a current account balance of £7 and no savings accounts did not convince the visa authorities that they had strong economic reasons to stay in Uganda. The schools are essentially in the the rural subsistence sector of the economy. Staff are paid on a casual basis and none earn enough to be included in the national social security system, so they could not furnish formal pay slips as evidence of earnings. People living and working in the subsistence sector of a developing country are clearly not expected to travel to another country, even if a first-world organisation is paying their expenses!?
Although all three have stable partnerships with families, they had local community ceremonies, not recognised by the state. As a result they could not provide documentary evidence, marriage certificates, of their family status.
The following extract from the Home Office letter reveals all:
The Decision
UHST Trustees submitted appeals with the support of the local Conservative MP for mid-Staffordshire and the Liberal MP for Cambridge. The BHA also made high level representations to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and, in truth, the FCO did all it could do to accelerate the visa review process. In the end, however, everyone’s efforts came to nought and three very disappointed school Directors remain in Uganda. They have each had to make made 3 or 4 trips to Kampala, round trips of between 6 and 20 hours, at considerable personal cost in money, time and anxiety.
If we were able to raise funds for them to come at a later date it is difficult to see how we could satisfy the Home Office that the guys are absolutely genuine. If any of you have advice on what Peter, Moses and Robert should do to be successful the next time then it would be very much welcomed.
For now it remains for me to apologise to those of you who had planned to come to our proposed “Meet the School Directors Meeting” in Crewe on Wednesday 13th August, which we have had to cancel.
Posted: July 17, 2014 by Steve Hurd
Invitation for UHST Supporters to meet the Humanist School Directors
Wednesday, 13th August, 2014, 12.00-4pm
On Wednesday 13th from 12 noon until 4 pm we have booked a room at the Crewe Arms Hotel. The Crewe Arms was one of Britain’s first railway hotels and remains an imposing brick red building at the gateway to Crewe. The hotel is opposite Crewe station, which has good connections to all parts of the country. To reach the hotel turn right as you leave the station and cross the road at the lights.
We invite UHST supporters to meet the Humanist School Directors: Peter Kisirinya (Isaac Newton Schools), Moses Kamya (Mustard Seed School) and Robert Bwambale (Kasese Humanist Primary School).
12.00 Welcome and introductions
1.00 Hot and cold buffet lunch
2.00 Question and answer in groups with each school Director
3.00 Refreshments followed by questions and final presentation.
4 pm Close
We need to make a charge for the event of £25 per head. This covers the cost of a hot and cold buffet lunch, refreshments, room hire, and any surplus will contribute towards the travel and subsistence costs of the school Directors.
The room we have booked will accommodate 80 people. In the event of demand being greater than this, we will allocate places on a first come first served basis.
If you wish to reserve a place please Email:
For contact on the day please use the mobile number: 07773 972601.
We hope you will be able to join us for an enjoyable afternoon engaging with the hopes and challenges of these pioneering schools.
Best wishes
Steve Hurd
Uganda Humanist Schools Trust
Note: In the unlikely event that the Directors fail to get visas we will cancel the meeting and contact you.