This is the 10th Anniversary of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust existence.
We have just returned from a wonderful two weeks in Uganda visiting the Humanist Schools.
I attach reports on the two secondary schools, Isaac Newton and Mustard Seed School, which are both thriving.
Due to their growing reputation for good educational standards and high levels of student satisfaction and welfare, the schools are growing fast and either at, or very close to, their target sizes of 600 students. Existing infrastructure is good, though that built a few years ago is in need of repair and repainting.
We have worked out what each school needs to cater well for the needs of 600 student and are launching an appeal for a final few buildings, including:
- two hostels where needy students can live and study in a safe environment
- a multi-purpose hall for assemblies, music, dance, drama, dining and examination
- two Library & Information Centres for independent resource-based learning
- two labs for computer studies
We are preparing the ground for holding an International Humanist Education Conference in Uganda in the 3rd week of January, 2020. The conference will be an opportunity to showcase the achievement of the schools by bringing conference participants to spend some time at each of the schools. Some UHST supporters might wish to plan to visit Uganda to combine a visit to the schools with a wildlife safari. Uganda is becoming a popular tourist destination.
We really appreciate your ongoing support for the Humanist Schools in Uganda and we are delighted that the effort we have all made together is coming to fruition. We would really appreciate your help in this big push, coinciding with the 10th Anniversary of UHST, to finish off the schools so they can continue to provide high standards of education and welfare for all the students within them. There is a growing self-confidence in the schools and a real sense of pride in which we should all share.
We are currently preparing publicity fliers, which we will try to get out to as many people as possible and we welcome any ideas you, or any groups you belong to, may have to help us reach our target of £150,000. To set this in perspective, in 2017 we raised £125,000, including a substantial amount in scholarships.
I welcome your questions or suggestions.
Posted: September 17, 2018 by Steve Hurd
UHST 10th Anniversary £150,000 Building Appeal
The money will be used to build Library & Information Centres, Multi-purpose School Halls, Boarding Hostels and Science Laboratories. These faciities are needed to cope with the growing numbers of students being attracted by the high educational and welfare standards in the Humanist Schools. For many years the schools struggled with fewer than 100 students, but they are now attracting their target intakes of 600 students, which places great pressure on building capacity.
The appeal has got off to a good start, with over £60,000 pledged already. The appeal is not time limited. We aim to continue it until the job is done.
I attach for your information a copy of the leaflet (click link) we have produced to support the appeal. Clearly we should be delighted if you would help us personally with a donation. Equally we would
be grateful for anything you could do to spread word of the appeal through friends or groups with which you are associated. I should be happy to send you copies of the printed leaflet. Just let me know how many you would like, where you would like them sent and I will pop them in the post.
The staff and students in the schools are excited about the appeal. We aim to progress the work as the money comes in so that, over the course of the next year, we hope to see the money raised making a real difference to the schools and communities where the schools operate.
We really do appreciate the support you have given the schools over the years. We are delighted that the long-term commitment shown by our supporters and the enormous efforts made by the schools themselves seems to be transforming the lives of the children, their families and the wider communities. Everyone involved should feel proud of the progress made. It has been a long, and not always smooth process, but we now have grounds for cautious optimism.
Thank you for your help.
Best wishes
Steve Hurd
Chair, UHST
Posted: August 10, 2018 by Steve Hurd
Welcome to Katumba Parents Humanist Primary School
We should like to congratulate Katumba Parents Humanist Primary School on being accepted as the 4th member of Uganda Humanist Schools Association.
At out next trustees meetings in September we shall most certainly be considering the ways in which UHST might be able to help the school. I should be delighted if our supporters would read the full report on the school and let us have their views on whether and how we should help the school.
Posted: July 17, 2018 by Steve Hurd
UHST 10th Anniversary £150,000 Building Appeal
We have worked out what each school needs to cater well for the needs of 600 student and are launching an appeal for a final few buildings, including: