Making a Bequest
Leaving money in your Will
Developing the Humanist Schools in Uganda to provide more children with an opportunity of liberal-secular education will be an ongoing challenge. Funding major building projects, in particular, is very difficult from the normal flow of funds. Bequests can help to make this possible and make a lasting difference to the lives of generations of children, lifting them out of poverty and increasing their chances of fulfilling lives. At the same time, a bequest donor can be commemorated in the name of dedicated prizes or buildings in the schools.

Bequests from UHST supporters have already made a major contribution. They have enabled us to build a dormitory for 72 girls at Isaac Newton High School, one for 96 girls at Mustard Seed School, complete the purchase of a neighbouring primary school to allow expansion at Mustard Seed School, refurbishment of the hall and new site at Mustard Seed School and the provision of improved toilet facilities in both of these schools.
Story of a Life-changing Legacy
A. If you are making a new Will
Should you wish to make a bequest to Uganda Humanist Schools Trust you could incorporate either of the following wordings for a residuary bequest or a pecuniary bequest at the time you write or modify your Will.
Option 1: Residuary bequest (a proportion)
“I give ..…..% of the residue of my real and personal estate which I can dispose of by Will in any manner I think proper to Uganda Humanist Schools Trust (Registered Charity No. 1128762) of 31 Greenmeadows Road, Madeley, Crewe, CW3 9EY and the receipt of the Chairperson or the proper officer for the time being of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.”
Option 2: Pecuniary bequest (a set sum)
“I give the sum of …………… pounds to Uganda Humanist Schools Trust (Registered Charity No. 1128762) of 31 Greenmeadows Road, Madeley, Crewe, CW3 9EY and the receipt of the Chairperson or the proper officer for the time being of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.”
Whether you choose Option 1 or Option 2 you might also wish to add the following clause:
“If at my death any charity named as a beneficiary in this Will or any Codicil hereto has changed its name or amalgamated with or transferred its assets to another body then my Executors shall give effect to any gift made to such charity as if it had been made (in the first case) to the body in its changed name or (in the second place) to the body which results from such amalgamation or to which such transfer has been made.”
B. Adding to an existing Will by using a Codicil
If you have already made a Will, you can still include a bequest to Uganda Humanist Schools Trust. A codicil enables you to include a legacy without making a new will. To be legally binding, the Codicil must be signed, witnessed and dated in the same way as a will. Again, this is a simple procedure but it is best to seek the advice of your solicitor.
Download a Word-version of a sample Codicil
Note: Bequests have taxation benefits. Any bequest to a charity is deducted from the value of the estate before inheritance tax liability is calculated.
Making a Bequest
Leaving money in your Will
Developing the Humanist Schools in Uganda to provide more children with an opportunity of liberal-secular education will be an ongoing challenge. Funding major building projects, in particular, is very difficult from the normal flow of funds. Bequests can help to make this possible and make a lasting difference to the lives of generations of children, lifting them out of poverty and increasing their chances of fulfilling lives. At the same time, a bequest donor can be commemorated in the name of dedicated prizes or buildings in the schools.
Bequests from UHST supporters have already made a major contribution. They have enabled us to build a dormitory for 72 girls at Isaac Newton High School, one for 96 girls at Mustard Seed School, complete the purchase of a neighbouring primary school to allow expansion at Mustard Seed School, refurbishment of the hall and new site at Mustard Seed School and the provision of improved toilet facilities in both of these schools.
Story of a Life-changing Legacy
A. If you are making a new Will
Should you wish to make a bequest to Uganda Humanist Schools Trust you could incorporate either of the following wordings for a residuary bequest or a pecuniary bequest at the time you write or modify your Will.
Option 1: Residuary bequest (a proportion)
Option 2: Pecuniary bequest (a set sum)
Whether you choose Option 1 or Option 2 you might also wish to add the following clause:
B. Adding to an existing Will by using a Codicil
If you have already made a Will, you can still include a bequest to Uganda Humanist Schools Trust. A codicil enables you to include a legacy without making a new will. To be legally binding, the Codicil must be signed, witnessed and dated in the same way as a will. Again, this is a simple procedure but it is best to seek the advice of your solicitor.
Download a Word-version of a sample Codicil
Note: Bequests have taxation benefits. Any bequest to a charity is deducted from the value of the estate before inheritance tax liability is calculated.