Jubilation in Humanist Primary Schools

Everyone was on tenterhooks at Kanungu Humanist Primary School as they waited to receive their first ever Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) results. They need not have worried as 81.8% of the children gained either a Division 1 or a Division 2 grade[1], which help in progress to secondary school and to obtain jobs in the formal sector of Uganda’s economy. As we can see from the photograph above, the children were jubilant and they and their teachers deserve the highest praise.

As we can see from the table, all the Humanist Schools performed far better than the national average of 57.7% gaining Division 1 or 2. The full results are in the table at the end.

Isaac Newton and Mustard Seed primary schools were created as recently as 2021. In their former incarnation as Evangelical Christian and Muslim foundations respectively, Division 1 grades were almost unknown. Yet after becoming a Humanist school, the top Division 1 grade was gained by 52.4 of children Isaac Newton and 30.4% at Mustard Seed primaries (compared with only 12% nationally. Eagle’s View School, poorly resourced and using temporary classrooms made from corrugated sheets, had 100% of its children gaining Division 1 or 2. 

Similar results were obtained in the remote mountain village of Katumba, where UHST supporters have built an entirely new school and equipped it with books and computers.

The very success of the Humanist primary schools is creating a challenge for UHST. We have been trying to provide scholarships to enable children from poorer homes who gain Division 1 in PLE to progress to a Humanist high school. So many this year have achieved such grades that we will have to disappoint many of them. 

If you would like to help then we are seeking to find an extra 10 scholarships to enable all those children who are eligible from the Humanist primary schools to proceed. Details of how to set up a scholarship can be found here.

Here is the full breakdown of results.

[1] PLE has 4 pass divisions and a lower unclassified one. Division 1 is the highest grade.